Hazrath Wajihuddin Gujrati RA

Hazrat Saiyed Shah Wajihuddin Alviul Hussaini (Rahmatuallah alay) (Gujarati) his family link is Imama Saiyadna Moahmmad Takiul Jawal (R.A.). He is from the generation of Hazrat Imam ALi (R.A.)

He was born on 22nd Muharram Hijri 910 (1504 AD) at

Dargah Hazrath Ghouse Gwalior RA.

One of the order's distinguished masters was the 16th century Sufi ,[8] Shah Muhammad Ghawth (d. 1562/3 C.E.)(14th Ramadan 970 hijri). Hereditarily, he belonged to the noble family and was direct descendant of Hzarat Imam Ali through